Many fashion brands produce such accessories as a white bag. And girls choose to buy a product that has high quality, can be sure of these, durability and beautiful appearance, and will help create an incredibly stylish bow. Each brand has its own characteristics, design and capabilities.
Alba Gucci Magnet
Italian brand Gucci, creating a white bag made of genuine leather, stays true to its style and adheres to its technologically immutable design;
• especially to the classics, it is clear the lines which are in use and concise;
• the trade code tries to consider all the latest trends and uses original fashions from decorative elements, such as a fringe, which is present in a small amount and will not go beyond elegant, delicate and delicate accessories such as a gold chain color;
• The front surface of the product can be decorated with letters that represent the company's logo.
White Marco bag
The white Furla bag looks extremely stylish and elegant, another famous Italian brand. Because of her peculiar trait
• rounded edges give more thanks to the addition of femininity;
• The color fittings are now gold and gold, as the non-formed element shows the company logo;
• The product surface is on the forehead, consisting of a brand name, its application is also gold and letters
• A rectangular shape cannot be an accessory trapezoid;
• is dominated by small needle size, a typical brand that is often taken as a bow complement to the evening
• They attach to the short handles, the thin shoulder strap, and the gold and silver collar.
Michael Kors white bag
Very popular among fashionistas around the world branded Michael Kors white bag. It's a special feature of its unique American brand style that shines on the front of the following components:
• Unfortunately, with many protruding edges formed on the sides, the author seems incredibly stylish;
• Thus it can be applied to round bags
• The product may have a smooth surface or matte varnished, but it can also be found in a white Michael Kors bag in the hole, which will help to really memorize the picture
• all accessories are small and are easily identified by the presence of the letters that are emerging on the company name and the front that is located on the surface at the top.
Alba Louis Vuitton Magnet
With a high sense of style that has always been associated with the women's Louis Vuitton bag list, it wants to fill up your wardrobe with every fashionista. This French brand presented on consumers' multiple and colorful models: white is the color of snow, which is customary to use in the deluge
• Alternatively, it can be increased to a pint or a bag of monochromatic. This can't be the application of a small square pattern chess board: on a white background there is no use of a light gray color;
• They will attach themselves among mortals, wearing the beech, and serving in different colors as the original decoration is the element;
• the bag should be supplied with handles or a shoulder strap on them to get out a snowy white organizer for a light brown;
• It spreads out a large decoration of the brand head with letters made of metallic material.
What to wear on the bag list?
Just a list of fashionable sex-bought bags, wondering what a clothing article can be a combination of. You can use such combinations to design options:
1. Summer dresses with skirts, shorts and medium hats. Flying accessories well suited to light fabrics, chiffon, silk.
2. You can recruit a white bag for autumn or winter photos and you shouldn't have to wear a white upper in a cold shoe color.
3. It would be a good combination to combine your snow with the silver sandals, although at the time it could be a pair of shoes, sandals, boots, cleats.
4. Another nice thing to do is look at the whites, such as a scarf or scarf.
Теги: branded white bags,Alba Gucci Magnet,White Marco bag,Michael Kors white bag